Episode 5
The Hilarious Mystery of the Mandela Effect
August 3rd, 2020
22 mins 51 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
The Church of Pop Culture explores the unexplained phenomena known as the Mandela Effect and we effectively blow the brilliant mind of Chris Blue!
Also on this episode, Chris hates traffic AND Q thinks we all smell really, really bad.
Amen Corner. A Designsensory Original Production.
This is a podcast to celebrate the CHURCH OF POP CULTURE.
AMEN CORNER is one of many original productions for Designsensory, positioned to act as a catalyst for additional original podcasts, limited series, and various other forms of content. Designsensory is a full-service research, branding, advertising and digital firm based in Knoxville, TN and known all over the world. Visit our site to learn more or drop us a line.